to home with love

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Some Big News

That time has come again and here I sit with some big news to share.

Since 2016, you’ve read all about our amazing adventures abroad. From Philadelphia to Hong Kong to London, I’ve shared the ups and downs and everything in between. We’ve had some pretty incredible moments as we navigated life as a newly married couple in Asia, and then as parents in Europe.

When we signed up for these opportunities to live abroad, we knew that one day they would come to an end, so we leaned in hard to every experience and every opportunity to grow and learn as much as we could. We transformed, not only our lives, but how we chose to live each and every day.

But alas, all good things must come to an end.

In a couple weeks, we will be relocating back to Philadelphia.

We understand this is definitely not the most ideal time to travel. The timing is partially our own choosing, and partially circumstance. Mr. Dave will start a new job in early June, but flying with Roxy is presenting a new set of challenges this time around. The pet relocation company we are using will only fly animals if the temperature is 85F or below at your destination, and seeing as we’ll soon be entering warm summer days, we’re trying to mitigate that risk as much as possible.

This move is truly the definition of bittersweet. Although I’m sad to say goodbye to the life we’ve created here in London, there are many things we are both looking forward to about living stateside, especially now that Emerson is getting older, and once this horrible pandemic is over.

It’s unfortunate we’re leaving London right now as there was still so much we wanted to do before officially saying goodbye. And because of the pandemic lock down, there were many things we did for the last time, while not knowing it would be our last time. I’m heartbroken. But I know that if we don’t go now, it could be a huge mess later on, and getting Roxy home safely is my biggest priority right now. And, hey, we’ve become pretty good with the grab-and-go, move out quickly, thing.

As was the case with Philadelphia and Hong Kong, I’ll share more details later with my “official goodbye” but I wanted to get the initial news out as I’ll be sharing the entire process on social media in the coming weeks, as you can imagine, it’s been a bit crazy around here.

Here’s to the next chapter, and brand new phase.