A big announcement


About three weeks ago we found out we would be leaving Hong Kong. This immediately came as bittersweet news, as for the last year and nine months, Hong Kong has been so much more than a home for us. I’ll elaborate a little more on that in a future post, but for right now I’d like to focus on what’s ahead, rather than what we’re leaving behind.

This news did not come completely out of the blue, as it’s been discussed with my husbands’ job before, but we also didn’t anticipate everything happening so fast. But, as you’ll see if you keep reading, there’s a reason for this…

Without further ado, I’ll go ahead and share where the MacBrides will be laying down our next set of roots… drum roll… LONDON!


That’s right, in just a few short days we’ll be heading off to the capital of the United Kingdom. We’ve secured a flat in the neighborhood of Notting Hill in West London. Here’s a little background on our new ‘hood, and why we thought it would be the best fit for us.

Notting Hill is in the Western part of London and most known for it's colorful houses, markets and world-famous Carnival – the largest carnival in Europe, to be exact. The area has also become well known because of the 1999 film, Notting Hill, which stars Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant.


We were originally drawn to this area due to its village-like charm and sense of community. There are also a few garden squares, tons of unique boutiques and a perfect mix of small, café culture coupled with the hustle and bustle of city life that can be found on Portobello Road – which plays host to a large outdoor market Monday through Saturday. This is definitely something I am looking forward to.

As you might also be aware, we have a dog, and apart from the private communal gardens, there are the wide-open spaces of Holland Park, Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park all fairly close by. Additionally, our flat is just a four-minute walk to the Tube, as ease of public transportation was key for us too.

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So that’s pretty much Notting Hill in a nutshell. Of course, there will be more to come once we actually get there, and like my earlier posts of moving and getting settled in Hong Kong, you can bet I’ll be sharing all of the details in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.

Oh, and as if there wasn’t enough going on, there’s just one more surprise coming very soon…

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