Getting settled in Notting Hill


Somehow, I blinked and it’s been a month since we left Hong Kong and moved to Notting Hill.

Settling in has been going very well, as we’re now pros at the moving abroad process (or at least better than last time). We were able to secure rental furniture that was dropped off the day we moved in and have slowly been buying our permanent furniture to replace the rental stuff – hopefully only a few more weeks with that.

Last week we received our first shipment from Hong Kong which was 90% of my clothes and 10% of Mr. Dave’s. In another two weeks or so we’ll get our final sea shipment which includes all of our other belongings (more than 100 boxes), which also will likely fall around the same time our new little family addition is due to arrive. So, should be an interesting few weeks!

The flat itself is adorable – my favorite place we’ve ever lived together, in fact. The layout is open with high ceilings and tons of natural light. It’s got the perfect mix of old and modern. I’ll do a full reveal of the bedrooms, etc. when all of our things arrive and we’re a bit more settled. Even after a month, and we’re slightly swimming in cardboard boxes and disarray. But as I’ve learned with each move, it comes with the territory.

Living in Notting Hill has been really fun, thus far. I’m so happy we decided to settle here. We’ve already found our local little breakfast spot and have endless amounts of shops and markets within a five-minute walk of our flat. It’s a much slower pace than Hong Kong, which is the speed we’re moving at these days anyway as we wait for the arrival of baby MacBride.

Speaking of baby, we’ve got our doctor/midwifery team all set up and our hospital is within a 20-minute drive. It’s surreal knowing that in just a few weeks it’s no longer going to be Lauren and Dave (and Roxy).

More to come soon!