Happy one year, to home with love

One year ago today I officially launched to home with love. What’s more, I cannot believe it’s almost been a year since we’ve moved to Hong Kong. Can someone please explain to me how time is going so fast? When I first started to home with love, I was eager and excited to share stories of my life abroad. What I didn’t know, is how much of my life would change in such a short amount of time, and how this blog would help me learn and grow along the way.


There have been times when to home with love has driven me crazy, inspired me, forced me to be authentic, made me excited to explore, and best of all, allowed me to feel feelings I would have normally tried to suppress. I love (and sometimes cringe) reading old posts from our early days in Hong Kong – From my first impressions, to the early exploration days, to the time I almost burned our apartment down. It has certainly been an adventure. Living in Hong Kong has only become better and better. And I look forward to sharing even more with all of you in the years to come as this crazy ride continues.

On this day last year, I shared the following words on my impending journey abroad:

I’m not naive enough to think it’s all going to be easy. I know there will be days where I feel lost (probably literally and figuratively) and I may even have a few breakdowns along the way, but even that excites me. Is that weird? To think that even the hardest days are going to be exhilarating because it means I get to live on the other side of the world, experience a brand new culture, meet new people, try new food and so much more. I’m kissing the cubicle life goodbye and embarking on a life-changing journey. I don’t exactly know what the future will hold in my new life, but I kind of can’t wait to find out.

Happy birthday, my little blog.

Stay tuned for more sappiness that is sure to follow on our official one-year Hong Kong anniversary this October.