One crazy week | home on Bowen road

Well friends, it has been one crazy week. We moved out of our place in Sai Ying Pun, to the uphill neighborhood of the Mid-levels. I am so happy to call Bowen Road our new home. Although I’m thrilled to be in our new space, things haven’t exactly been easy.

Here's the good and the bad:

Good news: The first round of our furniture from the United States arrived a few days after we got here. Hooray for a bed!

Bad news: It seems only our mattress shipped, and the rest of the bed (frame, headboard, etc.) is in the sea shipment, which isn’t due to arrive until the middle of December. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy we’re not sleeping on the floor, but it would be nice to have a complete bed.

  • Side note: A queen size bed in the States, is not the same as a queen size bed in Hong Kong.

Good news: We received most our clothes from this most recent U.S. shipment (no more living out of the suitcases we came here with over a month ago!)

Bad news: It appears that we packed ALL of our hangers in the sea shipment, so we can’t actually hang anything up. This honestly made me laugh out loud. I got some hangers from Ikea so that we could hang up the main things (dress clothes, suits, etc.) but everything else is somewhat organized in a pile on the floor.

Good news: We also had our first shipment of furniture arrive this week (stuff we bought here), which includes a couch, a desk and a few other things. I took for granted how nice it is to have a chair to sit in.

Bad news: Pieces were missing from the desk so they couldn’t finish putting it together. It’s now a stack of wood located in what I’m calling the “cloffice” – where, you guessed it, all of our clothes are laying in a pile. To avoid anxiety, I tend to just keep that door closed.

Good news: The geek squad (official name) came by this week to install Internet and TV. Yay! Christmas movies, anyone?

Bad news: Once they fiddled around in the ceiling for a little, it was determined they could not hook up the Internet because of some outstanding circumstances with Broadband, and the location of where the wires would have to be positioned. It’s a long story. Needless to say, I’m sharing this post from a Starbucks because I don’t know when we will actually have Internet.

Good news: Our washer/dryer in the new place is fantastic! There are more washing options, and a “dry cleaning” setting, which I’m super excited about since dry cleaning clothes in Hong Kong is extremely expensive.

Bad news: The apartment below ours is currently undergoing construction on a leaky pipe, which is connected to our washer, so I haven’t been able to do laundry for a few days. Nothing says “welcome new neighbors!” like flooding out their kitchen.

Even with all of these unfortunate circumstances, I’m still thankful to have a roof over my head, and a dog to snuggle when things get tough – like locking myself out of the apartment.

I’ll share updated photos once everything is all moved in. Until then, I’ll continue to walk past the cloffice and look in the other direction.