Now it’s time to say goodbye


I realize the title of this post is a little sad, but for the past few days, I haven’t been able to get the Mickey Mouse club song out of my head. It feels fitting for an occasion such as this. Now you’re going to get it stuck in your head, too. Anyway, as I’m typing this post I’m currently held up on one of our remaining chairs, in the corner of our small apartment, typing away while all of our belongings are being packed and prepped for shipment overseas. Come tomorrow, we’ll be on our way to China.

For the past few days, I’ve been thinking about what I wanted to say in my last post before we actually move, and I somewhat have found myself at a loss for words. I feel like I have a million things to say, yet I don’t know what to say. A lot of you have been asking if it’s hit me yet, and as I sit here, watching all of our things leave the apartment, I can say that it finally has hit me. I am moving to Hong Kong.

For this post, I wondered if I should focus on the things I’ll miss the most. Or perhaps highlight my favorite memories from my time in Philadelphia. Or, what I’m most looking forward to while being an expat. I think all of those things would be relevant, but that’s not what this post is going to be. Sorry if you were interested in those topics, I promise I’ll get there someday.

Instead, this post is a short letter to friends and family. To home with love was inspired by my eagerness to start a blog while bringing stories of my life abroad to friends and family back home. I don’t like goodbyes. And I don’t like sappy, sentimental moments. So, maybe writing it down will be easier. I’m always for the rip-it-off-like-a-Band-Aid approach when it comes to sad things, or saying goodbye to people. I usually stumble through my words, or try to make jokes about something funny or irrelevant in an attempt to deflect or avoid my true feelings. But, if I’m being transparent with you guys, I’ve cried more over the last week or two than I probably have in the last five years of my life combined.

To all of my friends and family, you are the reason I am able to do this in the first place. It is because of your instilled support and strength that I have the courage to actually do this. It is because of your excitement towards a new opportunity, and your shared passion for adventure, that I am able to do this. Growing up and being surrounded by so many wonderful and encouraging people has given me everything I need to be prepared for this moment. And I thank you all for that. Knowing that I have a team of people cheering me on back home will not only make the transition easier, it will allow me to spread my wings even more.

I’ve realized throughout this whole relocation process how important it is to surround yourself with positive people. At the end of the day, those are the only people you want to spend time with. People who inspire you to be a better person, give you motivation to accomplish your goals, empower you to succeed and celebrate your successes. And that is why today and tomorrow will be so hard, because, I’ve found those people. My people.

Thank you all for your help, your encouragement and your laughter throughout these past few weeks. Especially the laughter. I had full intentions of expanding upon this post and highlighting all of the ways I am supported, and encouraged, but I've realized this letter could never be long enough, or say all of the things I want to say, so I'll just end it with thank you.

I’ll see you all on the other side of the world.


Shout out to our wedding photographers, Epic Photography, who provided the featured image of this post during our 2015 engagement shoot in Philadelphia.